It's already been 6 months since I had my abdominal love handles suctioned by Dr. Seongwoo Jeong.
No matter how much I diet, my belly fat didn't go away
, and the same was true for my arms... So, I was only trying to suction my forearms, but after consulting with the director, I decided to suction my abdomen as well!!
I had to get it done while I was doing it, otherwise I would just worry about it for another few years.
It was much more comfortable to wear the compression garment all at once.
Even though I didn't have a fat stomach, my front belly was protruding, so it was really stressful, but that's gone. It's amazing. I'm
now thinner than I was right after the surgery. I gained a little weight, but I still look different when I get dressed.
My front stomach has become flat and the fat on my sides and back has cleared up, so I'm very satisfied. They
say it's better to lose visceral fat at the same time, so I'm going to have to try my diet again!! Roble Avenue is the best. Thank you, director!