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[Liposuction] I received infinite thigh rams

Date 24.02.02 22:35:09 View 2,556
245 만원

Hello, I'm Jojin Yeesa with unlimited thighs!!!! I got it today and I'm just waking up and writing this lol First of all, the reason I decided to get thigh RAMS is because my thighs really haven't lost much weight. Even if I exercise, my thighs are strong. I had a consultation a month ago and they said it would fall out easily because my skin is so soft. I had the procedure today . But the teacher said it wouldn't be necessary to choose that many? Should I call it the coordinator? They were very friendly (to the point where it felt a bit burdensome haha) and I wasn't particularly nervous. Why is the coordinator so calm...? He said haha, but just because you're shivering doesn't mean it doesn't hurt... So I just laid down on the bed really calmly, but I actually thought Rams wouldn't be in much pain, right? But it hurt... I groaned when they drilled the hole to insert the device, and I also groaned when they said I'll give you anesthesia. Of course, deep down, I thought I was going to be anesthetized and then put the solution in, but I wonder if the solution and anesthesia are used together, and the device came in and was under my skin. As I swished it, the solution came out in a gulp, and it felt like a snake had entered my skin. Of course, it wasn't painful enough to kill me, and I could have endured it, so I would have gotten it twice, but I don't think I would want to get it a second time... Also, when I inhale, I don't want to do anything on the outside. It felt like I was being pinched, and there was an area in the middle where the anesthesia didn't work well, so I had to take additional anesthesia. Rams, if you say that you really can't stand pain... Rams... think again... Anyway, I received it well and was in a daze, but Cody People came and picked a lot of heogeok, right? And I checked the bottles and there were 22 bottles... No, they said I didn't have to take out too many lol. I just heard the precautions after Rams saying that I might feel dizzy after laser treatment, so I came out and I didn't feel dizzy, but my hands were shaking. I took a taxi home. I ate, took medicine, went to sleep, and now I'm awake haha. The pain wasn't as painful as I thought. I felt a little numb when the anesthesia wore off, but now there's nothing like that... I'll work hard to manage it and bring before and after photos of the first week!!

쁘띠빠뤼's More Posts
Cmts 9
I didn't like the feeling when that syringe or something came in. It didn't hurt, but it felt... ㅜ So I asked if this could be used as a sedative. LOL.
24-02-02 23:38
아 맞아 ㅠ 그 느낌도 이상하지... 게다가 묘하게 마취 덜 된 부분 닿으면 따끔하거나 욱신거리는 것도 싫었어... 두 번은 못 할 듯!
24-02-03 13:21
저도 람스 상담 받으러갈려고요~
회복 잘하세요~
24-02-05 00:53
24-02-12 13:42
고행했어 람스도 효과좋구낭ㅎㅎ
24-02-07 15:24
고것도 얼마나 뽑느냐에 따라서 다른 거 같아 조금 뽑으면 효과 없을 듯 ㅠㅠ
24-02-12 13:42
허벅지는 통증 꽤 있구나..
24-02-08 18:29
배랑 팔도 통증이 있지 않을까... 저거 용액 들어가는 게 되게 욱신거리더라 ㅠ
24-02-12 13:42
잘됐다 축하해 !!
24-05-16 12:26
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눈매교정 재수술 상담 갔었어 첨에 눈이랑 주름전문이라길래 이게 연관이 있나? 하고 의아한 상태로 병원 갔었으나 상담퀄리티 상당히 좋았음 들어가자마자 직원들이 일단 진짜 친절했었고 (들어갔을때 다같이 인사하는 병원은 처음이었음) 대기하는데도 인테리어가 되게 차분한 느낌 주었음 상담실장님은 그냥 쏘쏘. 좋지도 나쁘지도 않은 인상과 상담. 실장님이 좀 아는게 많아보였거든 여타 다른 상담실장님들은 그냥 이렇게이렇게 얘기할게요~ 정도였는데 여기 실장님은 좀 세세하게 봐주면서 이렇게 한번 해보면 좋겠다 1차 상담을 해줬음 개인적으로 극호에 가까웠으나 실장님이 이렇게 봐주는거 부담스러워하는 사람들도 있을것같기도? 사바사라 잘 모르겠음 원장님 상담은 진짜 디테일한편. 절개위치라던지 수술효과라던지 뭐 이것저것 계속 엄청 꼼꼼하게 봐줬고 1인원장님이라 그런지 정말 상담시간 길게 봐줬어 주름상담은 안가봐서 모르겠지만 눈 상담으로는 상당히 만족스러움
나이에 비해 얼굴이 (특히 심부볼쪽) 탄력이 많이 떨어지는 편이거든 저가 리프팅부터 고가 리프팅까지 안해본게 없는것같아 집에서 괄사도 해보고 비싼돈주고 경락도 받아보고 화장품도 계속 바꿔보고 이것저것 다 해봤는데 큰 효과는 X 오호성형외과는 친구가 추천해줘서 방문했고, 사실 방문할때까지만 해도 거상이라는 수술 자체에 대한 거부감이 없었다고 하면 거짓말일것같아 일단 병원 분위기자체는 화이트 베이지톤에 상당히 밝은편 병원 가면서도 마음이 조금 무거웠는데 기분 환기가 좀 되었던 것 같아 일단 기억에 남는건 병원 분위기랑 원장님 상담인데 원장님이 상당히 친절하셨던걸로 기억해 거상 관련해서 이것저것 설명듣고 진단 받는식으로 상담했는데 일단 거상이라는 수술 자체에 대한 거부감을 좀 내려놓을 수 있는 상담이었어 그리고 옛날 병원 느낌이 아니라 최신식 병원 느낌이라 사후관리라던지 내원했을때 분위기가 상당히 밝고 좋은편이야 업셀이나 부담스러운것도 하나도 없어서 주름쪽 고민있다면 상담 가보는것도 좋을듯
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