Job Review

[Fat Dissolving Injection] Male Fat Dissolving Injection Review

Date 24.02.27 16:23:05 View 1,034
During days

I'm a guy but I don't really like working out, and I just have an average body type, so I was worried a lot and just looked into it. However, there was a lot of information and I was having a hard time finding a decent place when I saw an ad on SNS saying that it was being held at a special price, so I went there for the first time. However, I was a college student at the time and didn't have much money. When I mentioned this during the consultation, they recommended fat-dissolving injections! However, since fat-dissolving injections were a bit trendy at the time, I got them in my lower abdomen, love handles, and all over my thighs! Since it was my first time, it hurt so much ㅠㅠ And they told me to drink a lot of water for the time being, so I went home and only drank water, even though it hurt. I think I drank about 1-2 liters a day!  However, after a month, the weight loss started to really show. Especially my thighs are crazy.. I always worried about my pants size because my butt is really big.. but since they fall off along with my thighs, they fit perfectly. At that time, I usually wear size 28 for men, but because of my butt and thighs, I was wearing size 30 (I'm size 44 for women, which is like wearing size 66). Anyway, I lost 10kg and my friends cheered me on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You could say it's a positive review for a certain hospital, but aside from that, I knew that other people were also trying to see good results through natural surgeries/procedures or for their own beauty, so even though it hurt, I was able to stay positive ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just wanted to brag about it in a short review ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But now, a few years have passed.. I've gained a lot of weight because I ate hard ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I have to lose it again ㅠㅠ Anyway, fighting everyone, and I hope we all live well until the day we all become pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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