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[Liposuction] Day 1 of trimming my forearms!

Date 24.03.15 16:57:31 View 1,176
124466 만원
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1 Days

After giving birth, I went on a diet and lost about 16kg, but that damn arm fat doesn't go away anymore! So,  after thinking about it for several years, this is the first day I finally got my forearms sliced ​​off at Royal Line Clinic!! A lot of people already supported me before I went into surgery yesterday , and thanks to that, I thought the surgery went really well, so I came up with a review right away! I ripped off the tape after surgery in the morning, and there wasn't a lot of blood on the gauze and there were few bruises, so I stood alone in front of the mirror and looked around for a while, amazed! Hehehe, they prescribed antibiotics, a waterproof bandage, antiseptic, and anti-swelling medicine before the surgery, so I got the medicine first. After surgery , I was informed of the precautions or management methods, and I went to the operating room after drawing the design. What if I sleep too much on the bus in the morning in a far away area and the anesthesia doesn't work?? The moment I did that, I fainted right away hahaha. When I opened my eyes, I was in the recovery room and it was so cold,,,,ㅠㅠ After I woke up from anesthesia in the recovery room, they gave me an ionic drink to rehydrate me , put me in a compression garment, and even wrapped me in a bandage before going home! They say it's a good idea to wear a bandage over the compression garment for two weeks! I 'm very satisfied because the lines appear to be smooth and smooth without any bumps in the photo. I'm the type of person who bruises easily even if I bump into the slightest, but I'm most satisfied because there aren't as many bruises as I was worried about!! When I look in the mirror, I feel refreshed because there are no floating spots that have disappeared...ㅠㅠ My biggest thought is why I did this now...hahaha Well then, I'll take care of the swelling and post another picture!!!

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와 대박 ㅠㅠㅠ 정말 살이 다 썰려나갔네요 ㅠㅠㅠ
24-03-15 21:32
와 예사 전 사진 진짜 뱃살 하나도 없는데 팔뚝만 좀 있었네ㅠㅠ 너무 잘했다!! 관리도 화이팅~~!!ㅎㅎㅎ
24-03-15 22:47
진짜 팔뚝은 1일차부터 만족만족이야~!! 너무 예쁘게 잘됐다~!! 앞으로 관리 잘해!!
24-03-18 10:13
Kobijou Clinic
hospital info
1. 병원의 분위기와 첫인상 병원에 도착했을 때부터 직원분들이 친절하게 맞아주셔서 편안한 느낌이 들었어요. 인테리어도 깔끔하고 정돈된 느낌이라 믿음이 갔습니다. 대기 시간도 길지 않았고, 상담 전 안내도 체계적으로 진행되어서 좋았습니다. 2. 상담 과정 상담은 전문적인 느낌이 강했어요. 원장님께서 제 코 상태를 꼼꼼히 체크하시고, 개선이 필요한 부분과 가능성에 대해 상세히 설명해 주셨어요. 제가 원하는 이미지와 방향성을 충분히 듣고 반영하려는 모습이 인상적이었습니다. 또한, 수술 방법, 예상되는 결과, 회복 기간, 그리고 수술의 한계점까지 솔직하게 말씀해 주셔서 신뢰가 갔습니다. 3. 상담 후 느낀 점 상담 후에는 제가 미리 준비한 질문들에 대한 답변도 모두 받을 수 있었고, 고민하던 부분들이 많이 해소되었습니다. 비용에 대한 안내도 상세히 해 주셨고, 여러 옵션을 비교해 볼 수 있게 설명해 주셔서 결정에 도움을 많이 받았습니다.
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