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[Liposuction] It’s been two months since I started using Rams on my thighs! I'll tell you my review

Date 24.07.20 12:21:31 View 2,887
365mc병원 부천점

Thighs and Hips Rams Reviews It's been two months since I was born Harvey. I'll explain the Rams reviews after putting a lot of thought and effort into it. I knew about fat extraction, but I was so illiterate that I didn't know what Rams was? But, I found out that RAMS = fat extraction injection. I thought I would lose all my pretty 20s if I lived like this, so I made a big decision and got RAMS on my hips and the inner and outer thighs. I'm really very skinny and my body itself is sensitive, so I bruise very easily, so maybe that's why I get bruises. It was severe at first, and the swelling didn't go down, so for the first three weeks, I was like, "Oh, what's going on?" But after receiving good aftercare, working out hard, and controlling my diet, it started to decrease after the second month, like a lie. I really thought I would have to live with piggy thighs for the rest of my life. I'm living like I'm buying pants after receiving Rams. Does it hurt when I wear Rams? Of course it hurt and I cried , but now I'm crying because I'm happy. When I think about the pain back then, it's nothing. Even if I go back, I'll do it no matter what. I still have a month left for after-care, but they said there will be more shedding. I'm looking forward to seeing how much more it will fall out. I'm also planning to wear a bikini on this vacation. If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I'll let you know.

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* 비밀글 입니다.
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