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[Liposuction] Effective arm surgery that I learned about after spending 10 million won on dieting!!

Date 24.08.30 21:28:20 View 2,439
365mc병원 강남본점
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31 Days

From my early 20s until last year, I spent almost 10 million won on injections to lose fat on my thighs and arms. Since there were no clear results, at some point I felt that fat injections were not the right method for people with fat like me. That's why I looked into liposuction. I was debating between fat extraction and liposuction, but I decided to get liposuction because I could feel clear results. So I got the surgery from Director Choi Hyeong-yoon at 365mc in Gyodae. Since she was a female director, she was very meticulous with the surgery, so I didn't have much bruising or swelling right after the surgery. I got the stitches removed after 2 weeks and received high-frequency treatment after 3 weeks. I lost 3cm in the 3rd week. Isn't that so satisfying? It's been exactly a month, and the hospital also helped me manage my weight, so I've lost weight from 62kg to 56kg. I'm so amazed and touched that I can lose weight like this!! They say that the swelling will continue to go down for 3-4 months after liposuction, and I'm so excited and happy to imagine my arms getting thinner and thinner!! Actually, I want to get my thighs done too, but I'm worried because my front part will change next year... I think it's best to get the surgery done when you're young. Everyone, don't worry and just try it!

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ㅠㅠㅠㅠI'm doing it next week ㅠㅠㅠI'm doing it with a different female director, is it okay?? I'm so nervous
24-09-07 22:29
오!!! 지흡전문병원인만큼 수술 잘되실거에요!! 한숨자고 일어나시면 금방 끝나있어요ㅎㅎ
24-09-09 09:41
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-09-11 22:36
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눈매교정 재수술 상담 갔었어 첨에 눈이랑 주름전문이라길래 이게 연관이 있나? 하고 의아한 상태로 병원 갔었으나 상담퀄리티 상당히 좋았음 들어가자마자 직원들이 일단 진짜 친절했었고 (들어갔을때 다같이 인사하는 병원은 처음이었음) 대기하는데도 인테리어가 되게 차분한 느낌 주었음 상담실장님은 그냥 쏘쏘. 좋지도 나쁘지도 않은 인상과 상담. 실장님이 좀 아는게 많아보였거든 여타 다른 상담실장님들은 그냥 이렇게이렇게 얘기할게요~ 정도였는데 여기 실장님은 좀 세세하게 봐주면서 이렇게 한번 해보면 좋겠다 1차 상담을 해줬음 개인적으로 극호에 가까웠으나 실장님이 이렇게 봐주는거 부담스러워하는 사람들도 있을것같기도? 사바사라 잘 모르겠음 원장님 상담은 진짜 디테일한편. 절개위치라던지 수술효과라던지 뭐 이것저것 계속 엄청 꼼꼼하게 봐줬고 1인원장님이라 그런지 정말 상담시간 길게 봐줬어 주름상담은 안가봐서 모르겠지만 눈 상담으로는 상당히 만족스러움
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