Job Review

[Liposuction] Arm liposuction 2nd year

Date 24.09.21 03:43:28 View 1,755
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The before and after pictures don't show much of a difference, but my arm fat really stressed me out since I was young. Since I've enjoyed swimming, climbing ladders, and horizontal bars since I was young, I have so many arm muscles that no matter how much I diet, the fat on my arms just wouldn't go away. I really have no belly fat and an S-line, but my arms were fat . I couldn't even dream of getting slimmer ㅠㅠ It felt like I gained weight in my arms as soon as I ate!! That's why I decided to get liposuction 2 and a half years ago ㅠㅠ I remember it was over 300 for just my upper arm. I think it was expensive because it was done in the countryside, not Seoul. Instead, it was a hospital that specialized in liposuction, so I didn't get a single wrinkle, and the aftercare was really good, so now my arms are really skinny. The picture is an after picture when I was 163 cm and 50 cm, but I lost 47 kg and my arms are skinny . I never gained weight on my arms because of the liposuction, and instead, the fat went to my stomach, where I didn't gain weight before... But it's much better because you can cover your stomach, really ㅠㅠ If you feel your arms are flabby, just stand still and do 50 arm raises and it will come back. Since I was obese when I was young, I have a lot of fat cells, so the fat that didn't go away before doesn't build up easily in the area where liposuction was done and comes off easily. Don't just get liposuction, try exercising first and see if you can really get rid of that area! If you only get liposuction in the area that you think is not going to go away, your satisfaction level will be 483,929,282%.

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