Job Review

[Nose Bridge] I'm leaving a review of my nose and eye surgery because I really liked it

Date 24.12.17 15:54:32 View 1,320

Top Tier Plastic Surgery Director Yongjin Cho, review of eye and nose surgery! I don't usually write reviews, but I was so satisfied with the surgery and service that I decided to write one! People around me often say, "Find a director who can do both eye and nose surgery." I was desperate for improvement in both my eyes and nose, so I asked around and ended up visiting Top Tier! I went to several hospitals for consultation, but the reason I decided to get the surgery at Top Tier is because 1. The director only points out the necessary points and there are many hospitals that say they can't do it, so I was worried, but there was nothing like that, and they were good at compromising between my desired needs and the necessary parts. 2. The director is really the best . After the consultation, I had a lot of worries and asked a lot of questions and requests, but he answered all of them kindly even though it was late, and I was really touched that he answered all of them when I contacted him while he was on vacation. 3. The surgery was good... There are many places that are kind and give good consultations, but I chose them because the reviews were really good, and just like the reviews I saw, my eyes and nose were really good!!!!! My eye line and nose line changed so dramatically that I'm really, really, really satisfied!!!!! Everyone around me asked me where I was and said that it went well, and most people get re-surgeries for their eyes and noses, so I was worried, but everyone said that I probably won't need to get a re-surgery. Um, and I look prettier, but it's not so obvious that I look prettier, so I think it turned out naturally and well.

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